Tomorrow is Australia day… at least it is inCanada. Today is actually Australia Day in Australia, andif you look carefully you’ll see some die hard Aussie pride beingsported on the hill. Usually in the form of the National flag wornas a cape while snowboarding.
Aussie Pride
But be prepared for tomorrow. Expect to seeevery 3rd person wearing blue face paint, with white stars,flag-capes and swimwear in the freezing cold.
It’s probably the biggest party of the year inWhistler. Australians are renowned for celebrating theirfreedom… by drinking and partying hard all day long; on and offthe slopes. One of my personal favorite Aussie-day traditions inCanada is skiing or boarding from the top of the hill wearingnothing but swimwear. I actually did this last year… in Alberta.I assure you, riding a chairlift in winter wearing almost nothingrequires a LOT of national pride.
Australia Day is almost as big in Whistler, BC as it isback in Australia. Approximately 20% of Whistler’sworkforce are Aussies taking some form of another of a sabbaticalor working holiday in the snow.
For weeks now, Aussie’s have been begging, pleading, andblackmailing their workmates to swap shifts so they canget today (and hopefully tomorrow) off.
Lot’s of local establishments even go so far as to import localAustralian beers; including VB (Victoria Bitter) for theoccasion.
It’s going to be a full day of hard partying in thevillage. See you there!
Coming to Whistler for Aussie Day?

Whether you plan on joining in the massivefestivities, or relaxing away in your luxurious room… wecan help. We have some great packages for Lift Tickets & SkiRentals, which make staying and playing in Whistler cheaper andeasier.
Contact our FriendlyStaff today. They’re more than happy to help out with anyquestions you may have.