The Opportunity of a Lifetime
The Whistler SabbaticalProject offered a unique experience each week for 15 weeks.They ranged from culinary experiences, to dancing on stage with ago-go dancer, to performing live with a recording artist, aride-along with a snow groomer, overnight ziplining, heli skiing, aFirst Nations dance off, a spa retreat and the opportunity to skior ride with a local Olympian… just to name a few!
Each week we were presented with an experienceand asked “Would You Do It?” Contest entries were earned each timethe poll was answered. You can view the experiences by watching theWhistler vignettes.

The Lucky Ones
You Can Still Do It…
If you entered the competition and were named as arunner-up, you automatically qualify for the Fan ChoiceAward.
As for the rest of us… our dreams of adventure, thrilland excitement are not yet dashed. Whistler isn’t goinganywhere, and most opportunities and ideas portrayed by thesabbatical project are always fully available to anyone with thedesire to make their dreams a reality!
Aloha regularly has great deals to make your Whistler adventure allthe more comfortable and affordable. Contact our friendly concierge team to bookyour stay… they’re more than happy to answer any questions youmay have.
Photo credit: Mike Crane