The Squamish area has the greatestconcentration of wintering bald eagles in the world.Between late November and March, literally thousands of eagles callthe Brackendale area of Squamish home, making eagle watching andeagle tours an incredible attraction.
Eagle Run
Each year the Bald Eagle attracts thousands of peoplefrom around the world to observe them in their winterhome. One of the best places to spot the Bald Eagles is at theEagle Run view point on Government Road. There are also many toursset up for eagle watching. You can choose horse back, rafting orwalking tours.
The Squamish Estuary
The Squamish Estuary is a great place to catch aglimpse of the many other fascinating birds the Squamisharea plays host to. Some examples of these birds are: Vaux’s Swift,Canada Goose, Warbling Vireo, Red Eyed Vireo, Violet Green Swallow,Northern Rough Winged Swallow, Black Capped Chickadee, ChestnutBacked Chickadee, Swainson’s Thrush, Cedar Wax Wing, House Sparrow,Turkey Vulture, Black Swift, Belted King Fisher, Red Breasted SapSucker, Pileated Woodpecker, Orange Crown Warbler, TownsendWarbler, and American Goldfinch.
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