The 16 days of Opening Day (almost better than Christmas): Day 10 – Ziptrek Eco Tours

On the 10th day of Opening day, my true love gave to me….anexhilarating thrill zipping between two mountains??
As Whistler and Whistlerites gear up for the start of anotheramazing season, in the 16 days leading up to Opening Day, I’m goingto give you 16 different ideas of some awesome things to do thiswinter season!
Ziptrek Eco Tours and Tree Top adventures!
What’s more exhilarating than being attached to a cable in betweenWhistler and Blackcomb, and zooming across at up to 80km/h danglinghigh above the Valley floor below?
Your heart will be racing, and you’ll be amped to jump up onto thenext zipline across!
Don’t worry if you’re nervous approaching your first line. Mostpeople are. Once you’ve conquered the first line though, theadrenaline is flowing and you’re itching to get hooked up on thenext line and rip across once again.
I’ve known some people who had so much fun on their first tour,that once it was finished, they marched right back to the officeand signed up for the next tour on the spot!
Now if you’re the person who thinks that zipping across themountain on a cable is a preposterous idea, fret not WorrysomeWilly, there is an option for you.
The Treetop tours still give you outstanding views of the valleybelow and the mountains in the distance, all with the safety ofbridges and platforms and the much needed structure to keep youfeeling solid.
*Photo Courtesy of Ziptrek Eco Tours
Posted on Monday, November 12, 2012 | Comments (0) | Category: Aloha News, Resort Information, Whistler Accommodations, Whistler Events, Resort News | Permalink