The 16 days of Opening Day (almost better than Christmas): Day 13 – Scandinave Spa

On the 13th day of Opening day, my true love gave tome…..Relaxation aplenty??
As Whistler and Whistlerites gear up for the start of anotheramazing season, in the 16 days leading up to Opening Day, I’m goingto give you 16 different ideas of some awesome things to do thiswinter season!
The Scandinave Spa!
A relaxing treat no matter what the conditions are likeoutside.
Whether you’re tired from an amazing day on the hills orbackcountry, or the weather just isn’t cooperating to let you getup to slash some powder turns, why not head to the spa and letyourself completely relax?
Oh, only women go to Spas? Silly Man, this isn’t your typical spawhere all the ladies gather, get their nails done and gossip aboutthe latest in the who’s who and the what’s what. No siree,Bob!
Rather here it’s all done in silence. So unless you’ve masteredESP, or have a penchant for gossip by sign language, you can restassured that you will leave this little Oasis wanting more.
Mixing hot and cold baths, steam saunas and dry saunas, you willput your body back into a natural state of relaxation. Oh and notalking allowed. Ok, perhaps a slight squeel as you go from the hottub to the cold tub. But that’s it!
And if THAT isn’t relaxing enough, why not add a Massage into thepackage, delivered by some of the top notch RMT staff onsite!
But be forewarned, they MAY have to peel you off of the massagetable by the end of it all.
Keep an eye on our site for some exclusive deals to add into yourvacation package.

*Photo Courtesy of Scandinave Spa
Posted on Friday, November 09, 2012 | Comments (0) | Category: Aloha News, Resort Information, Whistler Accommodations, Resort News | Permalink