The 16 days of Opening Day (almost better than Christmas): Day 9 – Bungee Jumping

On the 9th day of Opening day, my true love gave to me….arubber band, and 160 foot drop??
As Whistler and Whistlerites gear up for the start of anotheramazing season, in the 16 days leading up to Opening Day, I’m goingto give you 16 different ideas of some awesome things to do thiswinter season!
Bungee Jumping!
Can you muster up the courage to stand on the ledge, looking down160 feet and convincing yourself the take the plunge?
Boasting British Columbia’s highest year-round bungeejumping venue at 53m (160 ft) above the raging riverbelow, most people get at least a butterfly or two while walking tothe middle of this bridge, and walking to the edge to be strappedin.
The Jump Masters and Operators have been doing this for 17 years,and have an unblemished safety record, which means you’re in theright hands if you want to make yourself feel like an eagle divebombing fish for a few seconds.
And yes, this is a year round, day and night activity. So spendyour day on the slopes, giving yourself the rush of powder, andthen swing by Whistler Bungee to get a taste of what jumping offthat cliff may have felt like!
Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 | Comments (0) | Category: Aloha News, Resort Information, Whistler Accommodations, Whistler Events, Resort News | Permalink