Whistler’s events and festivals bring a constant and fun buzz tothe coastal mountain town. The next few weeks are alight with somegreat, family-friendly events and shows that aren’t to bemissed.
13 and Under Ski / Snowboard Snowcross Event
The Whistler Blackcomb Ski and Snowboard Crossevents are recreational competitions open to all ages. Ski& Snowboard Cross events see typically 4 racers competehead-to-head on an exciting course with berms and jumps. Amateurskiers and boarders compete in different age and disciplinedivisions on the Whistler Nintendo Terrain Park Snowcross course.Places are limited in each category. Pre-registration is stronglyrecommended through Whistler Blackcomb Guest Relations and SkiSchool Sales locations.
This event takes place on Saturday January 21 – 22, 2012
Buzz Brass are an ensemble of two trumpets, a horn, atrombone and a bass trombone. The group formed in 2002 andthey’re dedicated to promoting chamber music for brass ensembles toaudiences worldwide. The groups musical range encompasses a greatvariety of styles and time periods.
This show starts at 8 PM at Millennium Place on Sunday 21ndJanuary. Tickets cost $24 for adults, $21 for seniors &students and $19 for WAC members. They can be purchased atMillennium Place or online. Find out more information on Buzz Brass

Fire& Ice Show
Fire & Ice is the legendary outdoor show which is held every Sundayat the base of the mountains and is completely free! Remember todress warm, and prepare to be amazed by the acrobatics of skilledskiers doing big air! Also entertaining us are fire spinners, alive DJ and fireworks display.
This show takes place at the base of Whistler Mountain at theSkiers Plaza at 6.30pm on Sunday the 22nd, January.
Whistler Events Calendar
Aloha Whistler keeps a regularly updated Events Calendar righthere on AlohaWhistler.com. Check back regularly for new events andtheir details. We also regularly post events and other specialdeals on our social media networks. Follow us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook and be thefirst to hear about great deals, festivals, shows and eventshappening in and around Whistler / Blackcomb.