Renowned for its active night life andentertainment, Whistler offers a wonderful variety ofrestaurants, bars and pubs across the village. With morethan 90 restaurants, the choice is vast!
For All Tastes…
Whistler is very cosmopolitan and welcomes every yeartourists from all over the world. This diversity hasinspired a wide variety of restaurants. All the flavours of theworld are represented in Whistler: from French fine dining toJapanese delicious sushis and makis. Enjoy a Greek cabbage roll,Indian curry or simply a tasty hamburger on a patio. Whatever yourtastes and the day’s inspiration, you will find the rightrestaurant in Whistler.
… And Every Diners’ Budget
Not only does Whistler offers a wide range of flavours,you are sure to find something for your budget. If you arecelebrating a special event, you will find fine dining and numeroussteak houses for a great culinary experience. For a casual diner,exotic cuisine and relaxed bistros and lounges will satisfy you.And for lunches, après and meals on the go, there are plenty ofcafes, pubs and delis to satisfy your cravings. And don’t forgetthe restaurants on the mountain for a boost of energy betweenruns!
Dining in Whistler is usually a casual affair and althoughdressing up for diner is perfectly acceptable, it is not requiredfor the vast majority of restaurants in the resort.
Choose from over 75 restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and nightlifeestablishments. Whether you are seeking a quick pizza, casual pubfare or the ultimate in fine dining Whistler Resort has what youare looking for.
Check out our online Whistler Dining Guide.
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