Whistler and area offers incredible fishingyear-round! Let our expert guides plan the fishing tripand guide you on one of Whistler’s historic rivers or alpinelakes.
Each trip is special in that we cater to your schedule andfishing needs, planning an outing that will give you an explorationof freshwater fishing.
Year Round Whistler Fishing
- Year-Round:
Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Cutthroat Trout - Winter/Spring:
Steelhead - Summer/Fall:
Salmon (summer – odd years only)
Whether you float tube a scenic alpine lake or walk and wade apristine glacial-fed river, fishing is an activity that can beenjoyed year round in Whistler and surrounding area byeveryone.
Fishing trips vary depending on the season and trip youchoose.
A Wide Variety of Fishing Trip and Tours
- Year-round heli-fishing
- Wildlife encounters
- 4 x 4 terrain adventure to a backcountry river or lake
- walks through coastal rain forest
- driving through mountain ranges
- flying by helicopter to some of British Columbia’s beautifulcoastal rivers.
Whistler Fishing resources
Providing Vancouver, Squamish, Pemberton & Whistler flyfishing guide service since 2000.
Ready to Book or Need More Info?
Come play and stay in Whistler at one of our accommodations inWhistler.
Contact our in house vacation expertstoday to book your dream vacation.