Whistler’s lakes provide the perfectopportunity to rent a windsurfer, sailboat, or catamaran.Good fun on the lakes. Lessons are available for those eager tolearn.
Squamish Windsurfing
The Squamish Spit located at the mouth of the SquamishRiver, where it enters Howe Sound. It is considered bymany windsurfing aficionados to be one of the top 10 windsurfinglocations in the world
The Squamish Windsports Society is a non-profit societyproviding sailors with access to high wind sailing where theSquamish River meets Howe Sound. Squamish has more high performancesailing days on the water than most other places in NorthAmerica.
Warm winds and sunshine are a blessing to all those peoplefamiliar with cold and blustery storm fronts which powerwindsurfing and kite sails in most other places across thecountry.
Ready to Book or Need More Info?
Come play and stay in Whistler at one of our accommodations inWhistler.
Contactus for more details about booking your Whistler sailing orwindsuring activity package.