Say “Whistler” to people of a certain age and theirmemory clocks will spin back to the days when “Cocktailsin Whistler” meant either sitting in one of the trailers thathoused the original Dusty’s at Creekside ordriving north to The Boot, a pub in the hostel at the other end oftown.
There was a time when drinking in Whistler meant hanging outinside and not talking advantage of the spectacular views. Today,Whistler offers some of the most beautiful locations in the worldfor where visitors can sit back, relax, and enjoy a top notchcocktails take in the natural surroundings.
Discover five favourite Whistler waterholes with greatviews!
Located in The Nita Lake Lodge, this waterfront hotel has abeautiful lakeside lounge. With a fireplace to add warmth to itsdark wood/leather ambience, Cure Lounge &Patio has the added foodie appeal with a menu dedicated to OldWorld charcuterie.
The dark days are over for this Whistler stalwart. Out of thetrailer and into the light, Dusty’s Bar has nowtaken advantage of its location by creating one of the sunniestpatios in Whistler.
The Longhorn
On a sunny ski day, getting a good seat on the patio is achallenge worth undertaking. Lively and convivial, The Longhorn hasgood pub grub, a wide selection of bottled and on tap beers, aswell as daily specials and a great view of Blackcomb.
The Mallard
Large, open lounge space in the Chateau Fairmont with itswindows looking onto the foot of Blackcomb Mountain with centralbar, awesome servers and a baby grand in the centre of the room, The Mallard Bar is oldschool luxury. Bonus: They will most likely have the obscure scotchyou order. Bonus: Live entertainment.
5280 Bar & Bistro
A ‘leather and oak establishment old club’ feel in Four Season’sWhistler location, 5280 Bar& Bistro married “gentleman’s club” with modern West Coastconstruction. The Four Seasons is renowned for stellar service andthis Upper Village destination lounge is no exception. EnjoyBlackcomb along with your handcrafted cocktail.
Get Connected with Whistler
Before you partake in your favourite beverage while enjoying theWhistler view why not check out Aloha’s accommoodation listings forWhistler, then contactour in-resort team for full vacation planning… includingdinner and apres reservations!
Photo Credit: Steve Rogers, Tourism Whistler